Redistricting Partners owner Paul Mitchell and Fmr. CA Citizens Redistricting Commissioner Connie Malloy
Redistricting Partners is proud to be a leading demography firm in the State of California and beyond. We specialize in standard decennial redistrictings, conversions to districted elections under the California Voting Rights Act, and other related projects, such as racially polarized voting analyses, for clients at the state, local, school district and special district levels.
We are experienced in walking elected officials, staff, and the public through the background of the redistricting and districting process, conducting community outreach meetings, building a record of community input on potential new lines, and overseeing the technical aspects of line-drawing.
In California, with the passage of the FAIR MAPS Act (2019) and AB 764 (2023), a new benchmark for all local redistricting has been set to move redistricting away from the political backrooms and into the public. Our redistrictings and districtings always places an emphasis on transparency and public input in a manner that fulfills all state and federal requirements and expectations from the public.
Redistricting Partners has worked at the statewide and local level, with the tools to help local governments complete the process, help organizations maximize their representation, and make redistricting work as it should – to bring people closer to their government.
We have partnerships with the Foundation for California Community Colleges to facilitate the servicing of any of the state’s 72 community college districts. In addition, we have strong relationships with leaders in City, County, K-12 and other special districts.
Our current and past client list includes the staffing of the inaugural Independent Redistricting Commission for the City of Long Beach in which we have partnered with Former California Redistricting Commissioner Connie Galambos Malloy and Mindy Romero, the founder and director of the Center for Inclusive Democracy.
Redistricting Partners has also been selected to conduct the redistricting for the Counties of San Joaquin, Santa Clara, Napa, Solano, San Bernardino, Cities of San Jose, Oakland, Berkeley, Burlingame, Carpinteria and Napa, and more. For our full client list, please click here.
To learn more about Redistricting Partners, please see our growing client list, our expert staff, and detailed description of the services we provide to help our clients navigate the redistricting process.